A Message of Love to Brothers and Sisters:
Dear Brother,
I hope this message finds you well. You are a kind and good-hearted person, and I hold great respect and affection for you. As your well-wisher, I want to share some important messages for your well-being and benefit messages that you may not yet be aware of.
Dear Brother, do you know why we have come to this world? Where were we before this life? And where will we go after death? I would like to share the answers to these profound questions with you.
Just as every object has a master, we too have a Creator—the One who nurtured us in our mother’s womb and continues to sustain us every day. After death, we will return to Him. He is Allah, the Almighty.
We have a misconception about Allah, thinking He is the God of Muslims or their deity. But the truth is, He is the God of all people. He says: “O mankind! Worship your Lord, who created you and those before you.” (Al-Quran, Surah Baqarah-21)
Our great Creator, Allah, loves His servants very much. So that His servants do not go astray and forget Him, He has sent prophets and messengers throughout the ages. In this sequence, He sent the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). He is the prophet for all people, not just Muslims, but for you too. Allah says: “Say, O mankind! I am the Messenger of Allah to you all.” (Surah Araf 158)
Here, Allah addresses all people, and since you are a human, He is your prophet too. To be saved from eternal hell after death, you must follow this prophet and adhere to his teachings. Brother! I urge you to believe in this prophet.
So that we can fully obey Allah, He has sent us a message through Muhammad (peace be upon him), a way of life, which is the Quran. There is no doubt in this book. Knowing and following the Quran is as necessary for you as it is for me. Therefore, I invite you to read, understand, and act upon the Quran, considering it the word of your Creator.
To read the Quran, click here.
Dear Brother and Sister! I am revealing another truth to you, which is our religion. The religion of all people, including you and me, is Islam. Islam is the religion given by Allah. The only religion that has come from Allah is Islam. No other religion is acceptable to Allah except Islam.
Allah says: “Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.” (Surah Al-Imran-21)
Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him. (Surah Al-Imran-85)
Therefore, as your well-wisher, I invite you to accept Islam and be saved from eternal hell after death.
Where is my destination? This world is not my true abode. The true abode is Paradise. We have to leave this temporary world and go to the hereafter forever. After death, we must return to Allah. He will tell us what we have done in this world. If we can accept Islam, we will attain eternal happiness in Paradise. Otherwise, we will fall into the place of eternal suffering and punishment, Hell.
Every person wants peace. Due to not knowing the path to peace, we are walking on the path of unrest. But we are not finding peace. The path to peace is Islam.
As your well-wishing brother, I invite you to accept Islam and choose the path of peace and salvation. The method of accepting Islam is to believe from the heart that there is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah. Islam is the true religion, and after death, we must return to Allah. Acknowledge this with your mouth.
“Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.”
I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah. I also bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the servant and Messenger of Allah.
By sincerely believing and reciting these words, you will become a Muslim. The benefit is that all your past sins will be forgiven. Hoping to hear the good news of your acceptance of Islam.